dimanche 22 décembre 2013

Eat to gain muscle mass

bodybuilding superset

In this article, I'll take the main principles to show you what you should eat to gain muscle mass.

On the internet there are thousands of information on diet for bodybuilding , there is of course still more advanced techniques and more detailed, but it you want to understand the basics this article may be helpful.

Take for example a 70 kg person, he must consume daily an average of 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight, 4 grams of carbohydrates per kg of body weight and 1 gram of fat per kilogram of body weight .

Day this person will consume:

* 140 grams of protein

* 280 grams of carbohydrates

* 70 grams of fat

All these figures are fine, but what it looks like on the plate?

By taking a few examples of foods, I will show you what should look like feeding a 70 kg individual who wants to gain muscle.

Where to find 140 grams of protein?

140 grams of protein in these four foods / supplements together
3 oeufs au plats Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
3 fried eggs
200 grammes de poulet Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
200 grams of chicken
200 grammes de colin Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
200 grams of hake
2 shakers de whey 30g shaker Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
2 shakers whey (30g/shaker)
Where to find 280 grams of carbs?

280 grams of carbs in these 3 foods combined.
200 grammes de flocon d avoine Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
200 grams of oatmeal
100 grammes de riz basmati Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
100g basmati rice
200 grammes de quinoa Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
200 grams of quinoa
Where to find 70 grams of fat?

70 grams of fat in these 3 foods together
un avocat Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
a lawyer
une cuill%C3%A8re %C3%A0 soupe d huile d olive Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
a tablespoon of olive oil
3 oeufs entiers ne pas additionner avec ceux des prot%C3%A9ines Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
3 eggs (do not add up with those of proteins)
And vegetables in?

600 grams spread over the day are a good basis
au moins 600 grammes jour Manger pour prendre de la masse musculaire
At least 600 grams / day

You know roughly what your plate should look like to begin your muscle gain, that I based on a 70 kg person so doses vary depending on your body weight. 

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