dimanche 22 décembre 2013

Best Testosterone Booster: Increase your muscle mass


Following many requests, here is a ranking of testosterone booster that I find interesting.

There are few men who really care about their testosterone levels.
However, testosterone is an essential hormone to increase muscle mass.

Think for a moment ... Why Women and the elderly are not able to take a lot of muscles? Because their testosterone level is low.

And why so many bodybuilders uses steroids? Because they allow a considerable increase their testosterone levels (and therefore muscle mass).

However, I advise you not to use steroids, far from it! These products are a health hazard and illegal.

Natural testosterone booster: the best option

Unlike steroids, natural testosterone boosters not inject any harmful product in your body. They simply help your body to naturally produce more testosterone.

So you receive the positive effects of an increase in your testosterone levels without taking any risk at your health.

This is why testosterone boosters are so popular in the world of bodybuilding .

Top 3 testosterone boosters

There are dozens and dozens of testosterone boosters on the market. However, at present, only two ingredients have been proven scientifically: Vitamin D and D aspartic acid.

This is based on these two essential ingredients that we have established our ranking.

1.      TestoFuel

image1 Meilleur Booster de Testostérone : Augmentez votre masse musculaire

TestoFuel contains by far the largest dose of vitamin D and aspartic acid D, making our number one logic.

In addition to this, it is only to contain oyster extracts. Oysters are known to help maintain testosterone levels, due to high zinc, protein and amino acids capacity.

Finally, TestoFuel is a very popular product among bodybuilders. We also found many positive reviews about it across the web.

You can get TestoFuel via their official website: .

2.    Battle Fuel XT

image2 Meilleur Booster de Testostérone : Augmentez votre masse musculaire

Battle Fuel XT is produced by MusclePharm, one of the "big" companies products bodybuilding .

It also contains the D aspartic acid and vitamin D. However, the amount of vitamin D contained in this product is much lower than for TestoFuel.

Opinion was quite positive and that's why Battle Fuel ranks second.

You can buy Battle Fuel XT , for example.

3.     Anabolic Freak

image3 Meilleur Booster de Testostérone : Augmentez votre masse musculaire

Produced by PharmaFreak Anabolic Freak has once again our two favorite ingredients. However, just like Battle Fuel, the amount of vitamin D is severely limited.

But it is a good product.

Anabolic Freak you can find in most sites selling products bodybuilding .

5 tips to naturally increase your testosterone levels

In addition to using a natural testosterone booster, have a healthy lifestyle helps to maintain a high level of testosterone:

1. Get enough sleep

For most men, this means at least 8 hours of sleep per day.

In fact, when you sleep, your body produces hormones, including testosterone.

It is therefore essential that you thought to go to bed at a reasonable hour every night.

2. Lose weight

You are more fat, less your testosterone is high.

As you already know, healthy eating (as I present on ) and regular physical activity are the keys to a lean and muscular body.

3. Have sex

This can make them smile, but several serious studies have shown that men who have regular sex had higher testosterone levels.

4. Reduce stress in your life

Cortisol, which is produced during times of stress, has a disastrous effect on your testosterone levels as well as your overall health.

Nothing like a good session of bodybuilding to relax after a busy day!

5. Increase your intake of Zinc

Opinions differ on the need to take Zinc to increase his testosterone levels. However, one thing is certain, low zinc causes a decrease in testosterone levels.

It is therefore essential that you keep your intake of zinc. The best food for it: oysters, you can also find in TestoFuel . 

17 commentaires:

  1. Testosterone levels drop as they age since it is a natural sign of aging. The drop starts beginning at 30 years old by approximately 1 percent per year – truly, a negligible figure but when these add up, the drop can be significant and its effect can be devastating for not a few men. full prosolution review here

  2. High levels of testosterone appear to promote good health in men, for example, lowering the risks of high blood pressure and heart attack.

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  3. TestoFuel is a very popular product among bodybuilders. We also found many positive reviews about it across the web.
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