Interview Julien Greaux in excluded for
Hi Julian, thank you for answering this for the interview, even though many may know already, can you introduce yourself in a few words?
Hi buddy, I am from St Barthelemy in the Caribbean, I was born in Brittany Vannes. But all my mother's family is from St Barth. I train in bodybuilding since the age of 13, and seriously since the age of 16, I'm 37, do the math, it makes tons of iron already lifted :). It's been 11 years since I live in LA, I came to tears with 400 dls and 2 sports bags ... Oh yes, and also a pair of BIG c - es lol. ! I measure 1.75m and weighs 80kg now.
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Can you describe how you manage to keep such a good physical condition all year round?
My muscle quality is the result of a mixture of workouts and a strict diet. I train like an athlete and not a bodybuilder. This is to say that I work in strength, explosive strength but also, and more, I do martial arts for over 20 years.
What is the driving style weight are you doing?
At the moment I am working my whole body every other day, I alternate with Thai boxing. I do 10 sets for the thighs, heavy 6 to 10 reps, I chose two basic movements and do 5 sets of each, similar to the back and pecs. I'm not working or arms or shoulders, it slowed me down for boxing. I do abs every day with an average of 500 abs, with the same basic movements style crunch. There are no quick movement.
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Cardio takes it an important place in your training?
Yes cardio plays an important role in my training, I run 10 km per day, 6 times a week. More boxing, jumping rope, circuits training. But again I have a mentality athlete so I train purely for performance.
Tell us a little about your diet for you what you managed to stay in the best shape.
Again my diet is super simple, rule number 1 for me, I eat when I'm hungry and not every 2 or 3 hours. I thought it was stupid! So sometimes I do not eat much in the morning as well as lunch and have a big meal in the evening. In general I only eat fish and egg whites, occasionally red meat. Petit dej ': a bowl of oatmeal, 6 egg whites and fruit at noon 2 white fish fillets with 1 sweet potato, broccoli and fruit, the same evening. That's all, nothing else. And after training I take 2 tablespoons of herbal proteins .
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What does a cheal meal Julien Greaux?
Lol! cheat meal it is useless, I'm not someone who likes to eat so I'm not the head with a cheat meal. I eat what my body does not need is simple. Otherwise I love sushi so once a week I eat sushi.
What are your favorite supplements?
I tried with many extras and without supplements. I took nothing for over a year. Then I went back to glutamine, BCAA and caffeine before training, and vegetable protein powder .
What is your view on the perception of bodybuilding and fitness in France?
It's nice to see that the fitness and bodybuilding begin to develop in France. Even if it is not really in our culture. It is a shame that too many practitioners are not real fans and are purely to please the opposite sex.
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What are your current and future projects?
I just finished shooting an action film I wrote and produced. Installation is being done in Paris. I was fortunate to have two directors at top: MIKE FEENIX and PASQUALE PAGUANO. The film is going to be hell here. Otherwise I continue to make blankets for my promotion and my company clothes "RUDE: NOTHING BUT TROUBLE" advance slowly but surely: .
Phrase to motivate us?
I hope to become a model, an example to show that if you work and not loose the case you can do what you want. To succeed we must not be afraid to fail, take risks. If it was easy anyone could do it!
Julien thank you for answering my questions, I wish you success as you did before.
A big thank you to you, your site is really top, continuous is that the beginning of the adventure! Do not forget "ACTION - REACTION." JULIEN
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