Taking mass or dry where to start? This is a question we regularly ask me on my facebook or here the answer is not the same for everyone because many factors must be taken into account.
Newbie taking mass or dry where to start?
Having helped hundreds of people with my pack / ebook I saw something, beginners even a little fat when they start the weight along with a good diet, reduce their body fat and increase muscle mass, yes yes you read that gain muscle and lose fat at the same time is possible, but only when it starts. I generally recommend that beginners start by taking mass or muscle gain even if they are a little fat. There are exceptions (see marking the bottom of the article).
Taking mass or dry for practicing bodybuilding for over a year.
Practitioner for more than a year in bodybuilding if he trained hard, already has some results in terms of muscle gain. Only after a time he looks in the mirror and wondered if he should start a mass taken or dry .
I think at this level you have to start analyzing whether, if the abs are visible from top to bottom (without hyper sec) in this case a controlled muscle gain can be initiated for a period of 3 to 5 months maximum. Take stock every 15 days and monitor regularly the waist and body weight and of course the reflection in the mirror. Do not go blind, but adjust its power throughout the period of muscle gain not to end up with a ratio of 80/20 (fat / muscle) at the end of the muscle gain. I explain this in my pack / ebook topic muscle gain .
Taking mass or dry for those who resumed training.
Except, who returned to training after a long period of inactivity has a "hidden" dormant potential, all the practitioners that have made a long pause have seen that the gains in muscle mass and strength back much faster that when one begins. That is why we must put the odds on his side to take this muscle, I recommend these people to leave on a decision mass or muscle gain for a maximum of five months with the same recommendations for regular use in the previous chapter.
Taking mass or dry, how to identify the exceptions
I'll try to give you some figures more or less reliable because we are all a little different.
For the beginner or the person who resumes training after more than a year off:
-Body weight: 10kg more than the size = scheme or dry recommended
-Body weight: 5kg to 10kg less than the size = muscle gain
-Body weight: equal to the size = general rule there so a little fat diet before taking muscle. If abdominals are there you can start taking a muscle.
My case
Theo, 1m75 and 77kg
To give you a benchmark I 1m75 for 77kg dry without being arch, if I was the same weight without making any weight I would be so bold I would have to start with a small plan of 2-3 months and then go on bases "visible".
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