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Thursday, March 13, 2025

mardi 11 février 2014



We examine the critical active ingredients in various sports supplements. We award high marks to those with existing supportive data, real-world results and innovation in formulation. Here we put ISOPURE ZERO CARB under the microscope. BY JIM STOPPANI WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE is the purest form of whey protein that you can get.  All whey protein starts off as milk and  is separated from the casein protein usually during the manufacturing of cheese. The whey protein then goes through a variety of filtering processes that remove much of the carbohydrates and fat. This filtering process produces, at best, a whey protein concentrate  that is about 80% protein with the rest being carbohydrates and fat. To get the protein purer than this, the whey protein concentrate is put through further processing to remove more of the carbs and fat to produce a whey protein that  is higher than 90% protein. This higher purity whey is known as whey protein isolate. Yet often, the harsher conditions that the whey is subjected to in order  to get it purer destroy many of the important whey subfractions that provide a lot of whey’s benefits.  The whey protein isolate used in Isopure Zero Carb undergoes a specialised process that produces the purest form of whey protein isolate possible yet leaves the most important whey subfractions, such as beta-lactoglobulin, alplha-lactalbumin, immunoglobulin, albumin and lactoferrin, in place. The major benefits of whey stem from the fact that it is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). The BCAAs, which include leucine, isoleucine and valine, are the most critical amino acids for muscle growth. Not only do they serve as the building blocks that make up protein, but they also fulfil specific functions in the body that promote muscle growth, performance, and even fat loss. Leucine has been shown to directly turn on muscle protein synthesis, which leads to muscle growth. It also spikes insulin levels, which drives amino acids and glucose into the muscle cells and further promotes muscle growth.  As a whole, the BCAAs have also been shown to blunt the catabolic hormone cortisol. Since cortisol inhibits testosterone release and suppresses its anabolic actions in muscle fibres, keeping cortisol levels down means  that testosterone can better stimulate muscle growth.The BCAAs can also delay fatigue and are used as a fuel source by the muscles during workouts. Whey is the fastest digesting proteins you can buy. That means that the amino acids from whey get rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and travel to muscles, where they can quickly turn  on protein synthesis. Whey protein also has been found to enhance blood flow  to muscles. This is due to short protein fragments in whey that lead to the dilation of blood vessels. More blood  can flow through dilated blood vessels, which means more energy and a bigger muscle pump during workouts, as well as better recovery after the workout is over. Whey even provides several health benefits, such as increasing levels of the critical antioxidant glutathione, lowering total and LDL (bad) cholesterol and even helping to reduce the risk of certain cancers, diabetes and heart disease. GRADE: REASON: Whey protein isolate is the purest form of whey protein you can get, providing fewer carbs and fat  and more critical aminos, such as  the BCAAs. Research indicates  that this faster digesting form of  whey maximises muscle growth and strength gains when taken before  and after workouts. M&F

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