To blend in, you’ve got to stand out
TO BECOME invisible, first make yourself conspicuous. It sounds absurd, especially once you learn that this concept was the brainchild of an eccentric American artist. Now, more than a century after it was put forward, the idea is finally being tested. The findings have revealed surprising insights into how camouflage fools – or fails to fool – the eye of the beholder. In 1909, the prevailing belief was that animals hid themselves by matching their surroundings. Then the painter and naturalist Abbott Handerson Thayer suggested a different mechanism was at work: highly conspicuous markings, such as the zebra’s stripes and the oystercatcher’s black-and-white plumage, are actually disguises. Predators, he reasoned, locate their prey by looking for their outlines, so animals with high-contrast markings that disrupt telltale edges and create false ones can evade detection. With this and other ideas about animal markings, Thayer earned himself the title “father of camouflage”. But although disruptive camouflage was cited in countless textbooks, it remained largely untested until 2005, when Innes Cuthill, Martin Stevens and their colleagues at the University of Bristol, UK, devised an experiment using fake moths made from paper triangles. By pinning them to oak trees, the researchers found that “moths” with black markings on their edges were less likely to be attacked by birds than those with central markings or uniform colours. “It showed that disruption was indeed a very good way of being hidden,” says Stevens, now at the University of Exeter, UK. Using a similar approach, he and Cuthill later discovered that high-contrast markings become less effective once their contrast exceeds that in the creatures’ natural environment. One way to avoid this is for some parts of the body to blend in while others stand out.
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