Muscle gain without gluten
In April I made a shoot picture and so for that I had to make a dry pretty quickly. Because my body fat percentage remains at around 10% throughout the year the duration of regime lasted 4 weeks.
During this period I've been thinking about the post-shooting, how I would feed me, etc.. Given that the proposals for photos or others are random dates throughout the year, not just in the summer, I take "hollow" moments to regain a few grams of lean body mass.
I started to hear more and more things on the Gluten, so I decided after the shooting picture to reintroduce carbs in my diet without gluten as basmati rice, sweet potato, buckwheat (flake, flour, bulgur), but also to limit my intake of dairy origin protein.
I honed my knowledge on the subject after receiving a high quality book on the subject ( Gluten: How modern wheat intoxicates us Venesson Julien ) that I highly recommend.
I do not think I have any particular Gluten intolerance, but I still found many benefits both physically and mentally by eliminating it from my diet.
I am someone very general rules explosive and I struggle to channel me in a situation of stress, I no longer feel that sense of excitement since I removed gluten. Alongside my mental strength is much more present in training, I can go further in my series, I is more resistant to burning in long series.
Level of force I think his should also help, because I realized 12 repetitions at 80 kg in developed inclined dumbbell ( see video ) then I rarely do this exercise and before I turned in 10 to 70 repetitions pounds.
I also had chronic sinusitis every morning which disappeared after discontinuation of Gluten.
I find that I have less tiredness after a meal containing carbohydrates, of course I also choose gluten-free products that are not too up insulin. It is often thought that a diet without gluten is binding, because you can not eat the "traditional" food and so we must be content with a limited number of foods, it is wrong!
There are a lot of gluten-free food that are sometimes unknown to the public and I can tell you that since I am the power I never had so much choice in terms of sources of carbohydrate. I have a soft spot for buckwheat in all its forms, for without adding spices or other flavor is very pronounced.
My personal choice (I usually combines two foods from the list below per meal)
Snowflake buckwheat
Buckwheat flour ( for recipes )
buckwheat bulgur
sweet potato
basmati rice
rusk buckwheat
100% buckwheat dough
Here is a list (not exhaustive) gluten free (source: click here )
Staple foods without gluten
Derived ingredients
Rice Rice flour, rice bran
Corn Corn flour, cornmeal, cornstarch, corn germ, corn bran
Potato Potato flour, potato starch
Tapioca Tapioca flour, tapioca starch
Arrowroot Arrowroot starch
Soy Soy flour, soy protein, soy flakes, soy nuts
Chickpeas Chickpea flour
Buckwheat Buckwheat flour, buckwheat groats, buckwheat flakes, puffed buckwheat
Quinoa Quinoa flour, quinoa flakes
Amaranth Amaranth flour, whole amaranth
Millet Millet flour, millet flakes, whole millet
Sorghum Sorghum flour
Teff Teff flour, whole teff
Subtract food sources of gluten and replace (source: click here )
In focus Avoid
Certified gluten-free rice, corn, soybeans, buckwheat, quinoa, potatoes, chickpeas: whole foods, flours and féculesPain gluten in any form (sliced bagel, pita, hot dog, hamburger, kaiser, tortillas, underwater, etc.). pasta, rice or corn or potato or quinoaPomme earthBut of grain, cob, souffléVermicelle rizCraquelins of rice cake and gluten free
Gluten free crackers
Waffles and pancakes gluten
Gluten-free breadcrumbs
Pain in any form (sliced bagel, pita, hot dog, hamburger, kaiser, tortillas, underwater, etc.). Pasta in all shapes (spaghetti, macaroni, noodles soup, etc..) Breakfast cereals based cereals containing glutenCéréales baby cereal containing glutenGruauCouscous, boulgourBiscottes, crackers
Waffles and pancakes
Wheat germ, wheat bran, its spelled
Breadcrumbs, croutons
All fresh fruits, canned, frozen, dried, jusSorbets * Figs and other fruits coated with icing sugar
All raw vegetables or vegetable cuitsSoupes with gluten free pasta and broth which is without gluten glutenSalade with vinaigrette Breaded fried onions and other vegetables, potato chips commercial * Caesar salad, vegetable sauce, creamed vegetables, vegetable soup with pasta alimentairesAttention soups Vegetable broth trade that may contain gluten
Milk, yogurt without wheat starch and without cereals, sour cream, cream cheese, ice cream *, ice milk, cream cheese *, * cheese, milk powder, evaporated milk Yogurt with starch *, malted milk, chocolate milk *, bechamel sauce, parmesan fondue dip with cheese * Some blue cheeses, Roquefort
Meat, poultry, fish marinades with gluten or without breading glutenViandes, poultry, fresh or frozen or canned fish * Meat, poultry, or fish marinated with breadcrumbs (breadcrumbs) croquettesPains and meat pies, chicken or poissonRagoûtSurimi (substitute crab and pollock)
* Ham, bacon * (flavorings and spices can cause problems.) Greaves, sausage
Fried egg, poached, hard boiled, omelette, eggs Benedict with homemade hollandaise sauce made without gluten Egg Benedict, quiche, soufflé
Canned legumes nature, home cooked legumes, nuts and seeds unseasoned and not roasted, baked beans * Nuts, seeds and tamari or peanuts or dry roasted or grilled seasoned or sweetened
All desserts made from gluten-free flours (rice flour, potato, corn, tapioca, arrowroot, etc.). Desserts milk thickened with starch gluten All desserts made from white flour or white unbleached or enriched or whole wheat or kamut or spelled or oats or barley or rye: cake, donut, cone, cake, muffin, cookie, Danish, pie, pastry, etc..
GlutenBouillon sauce without gluten or house broth made of animal carcasses Sauce flour: Brown Sauce, barbecue, béchamelBouillons trade based hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) *, barley soup
Wine, gin, bourbonBières without glutenCafé 100% pure tea, iced tea, drink rice *, * soy beverage, drink almond * Beer, some imported drinks, flavored coffees, soft orange * drinks, coffee grains, soy beverages and céréalesAlcools made from cereals: whiskey, scotch, vodka (Distillation could eliminate gluten, but it is about controversy.)
Bragg sauce, tamari soy sauce without bléVinaigre balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar, wine vinegar. Pure spices, certified gluten-free Some mixed spices (curry, chili, paprika, cayenne) pepper and soy blancSauce tamariVinaigre malt
All oils except wheat germ oil and mixed oils *. Butter, margarine, mayonnaise * salad dressing * White sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, jam, caramel, baking powder (check the type of starch) BléBretzel germ oil, sesame sticks, seasoned chips, wheat grass, icing sugar (if starch source unknown) * chocolate, chewing gum * (check with companies), * candy, marshmallow * paste Almond *
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