dimanche 22 décembre 2013

The new fasting therapy?

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In this sections you will find different ways to apply the fast.

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting, and LeanGains protocol (adaptation for bodybuilding ) is a method to optimize muscle gain while promoting fat loss. The secret lies in nutrient cycling and precise timing for dietary supplements to promote the synthesis of anabolic hormones.

In this case, we will present the notion of IF, which stands pourIntermittent Fasting, which in French means intermittent fasting. This notion of IF is popularized by the Swedish coach Martin Berkhan who made ​​an adjustment for weight , with a protocol called Leangains . We will explain how to apply this intermittent fasting, and how it is useful for fitness and health in general.

Young is defined as intermittent alternating between a fasting period and a period during which you are entitled to consume foods containing calories. In general, it is called a / 16 8 alternation: that is to say that you will fast for 16.00 then you can feed for 8:00. In the following case, we will explain how to place your training bodybuilding best depending on the period from 8:00 to optimize fat loss and muscle growth.

It is legitimate to doubt that this type of nutrition is good for health, and more for bodybuilding . Indeed, many myths exist that we need to eat every two or three hours, otherwise the body will tap into the muscles to find amino acids. This is completely false, and is more a myth than a scientific reality. It is therefore quite possible to fast more than half of the day without any risk of muscle wasting. This whole issue, from the site of coach Martin Berkhan is based on scientific studies, you can find references to the end of each article.

The main advantage of this type of fasting is of course better control of food intake, but also a whole series of chemical reactions in the body that will cause a release of steroid hormones (ie anabolic hormones) but also hormones which activate lipolysis (that is to say fat loss).

Thanks to these hormones, you will be able to have workouts bodybuilding even more efficient than before, make a decision mass imitating fat gain, or make your dryer .

But for that you must use a nutrition and appropriate supplementation, and nutrient cycling. It is not enough to fast foolishly in order to succeed in the intermittent / fasting IF / Leangains.

Read more here: speaks:

Fast from time to time would be a very effective way to not only reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, but also to keep the line.

Studies. Researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center (Murray) Utah recently presented the results of two studies on more than 200 healthy people, which was asked for 24 hours to consume as the case no food and no drink or no food only - water being allowed in the latter case. Biological parameters were compared to a day during which they fed normally.

Results. Compared to the day of normal diet, fasting increases the cholesterol level (14% increase in LDL, the so-called "bad" and 6% of HDL, the so-called "good") . This increase is not disturbing to the extent the harmful role of blood cholesterol is widely questioned. Instead, says Dr. Benjamin Horne, lead author of the study, "Fasting causes hunger or stress. In response, the body releases more cholesterol, which allows it to use the fat as a source of fuel, instead of glucose. This decreases the number of fat cells in the body. But there is less of fat cells, the less likely to be insulin resistant and develop diabetes. "

Furthermore, the fasting resulted in a dramatic increase in the level of growth hormone (GH). One 24-hour fast results in an increase of GH 2000% in men and 1300% in women! GH is a hormone "fat-burning" and is secreted as a result of fasting because the body uses to maintain muscle mass and regulate blood glucose levels and the levels of several hormones. Finally, reduced fasting triglycerides, another cardiovascular risk factor. read more 

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